Common presentations include gastrointestinal symptoms with no diagnosis, or which have been labelled as IBS, migraines, chronic unexplained pain, unexplained urticaria, chronic fatigue, low mood and anxiety. ADHD is a consequence of dopamine and noradrenaline dysfunction in brain pathways; ADHD medications specifically target these. There are established associations between this dopamine/noradrenaline dysfunction and with Ehlers-Danlos syndromes/hypermobility spectrum disorders. Associations are also established between neurodivergence, substance misuse, eating disorders, obesity, allergies and atopy, autoimmunity, apnoea, epilepsy, migraine and chronic pain. he presentations previously discussed are therefore linked, are associated with neurodiversity, and may be driven by hypermobility, orthostatic hypotension, and altered immunity. The ‘All Brains Belong’ website, hosted by ADHD and autism professionals in Vermont, summarises the evidence in this area, which is still evolving.
CLICK HERE for an extremely useful resource for clinicians to find out more about the constellation of chronic medical conditions commonly seen in Autistic & ADHD Adults (courtesy of All Brains Belong)
Connecting brain and body: Transdiagnostic relevance of connective tissue variants to neuropsychiatric symptom expression2. [orange text = putative mechanisms]
This diagram illustrates the possible pathways for the links between collagen laxity and neurodevelopmental differences and the aetio-pathogeneis of associated physical and mental health conditions. It is postulated that variant connective tissue (i.e. not ‘just’ bendy joints) predisposes to mast cell activation disorder and dysautonomia which in turn can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, autoimmunity and neuropsychiatric differences. The mechanisms by which these occur are not known but may be related to brain under-perfusion, consequent oxidative stress, dysautonomia, neuroinflammation and neurotransmitter dysfunction3
Neurodivergence is linked with somatic syndromes.
Practising GPs could consider the following:
[1] Everything is Connected to Everything: Improving the Healthcare of Autistic & ADHD Adults. All Brains Belong. Everything is Connected to Everything: Improving the Healthcare of Autistic & ADHD Adults - All Brains Belong VT
[2] Sharp HEC, Critchley HD, Eccles JA. Connecting brain and body: Transdiagnostic relevance of connective tissue variants to neuropsychiatric symptom expression. World J Psychiatr 2021; 11(10): 805-820 [PMID: 34733643 DOI: 10.5498/wjp.v11.i10.805]. Used under licence CC BY-NC 4.0.
[3] Kustow J. Attention difficulties: The relationship between Ehlers-Danlos syndromes/hypermobility spectrum disorders and attention difficulties, “brain fog,” and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In: CA Francomano, AJ Hakim, LGS Henderson et al. The Symptom-Based Handbook for Ehlers-danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders. Elsevier, 2024, pp 135-54