Why join B4ND?

The next phase of B4ND's evolution

B4ND began as a voluntary organisation, with a wealth of resources curated and edited by dedicated GPs who have generously contributed their time. Our shared mission is to enhance neurodiversity patient services across the UK.

Improving neurodiversity services requires a broader workforce and enhanced care models, and we see B4ND as pivotal to this transformation.

As B4ND evolves, we recognise that professionalising the organisation is the most effective way to achieve our goals. To this end, we are working towards attaining charitable status to expand our support base. In order to do so, we need to generate funds.

We invite you to become a paid member of B4ND. The more members we have, the stronger our collective voice will be. Together, we can make a significant impact.

The membership fee is set at £25 per year. This fee primarily covers administrative costs, including registration and the creation of a networking database. In the future, we will seek donations and are currently reviewing the organisation’s legal status to facilitate this.

Thank you for your support. Together, we are stronger.