Our Mission


As members of BAND, we believe that embracing neurodiversity is an opportunity and responsibility. By advocating for neurodivergent individuals – supporting our colleagues and providing exemplary care to our neurodivergent patients - we aim to empower, enable and improve all aspects of Neurodiversity care.


Our vision is to foster a culture of inclusivity where every individual with neurodivergent traits feels respected and valued within the healthcare system and wider society. 
We are committed to providing comprehensive support and understanding to our patients and colleagues who have diverse neurological profiles.
We recognise the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring to our communities, and we strive to create an atmosphere that promotes collaboration, empathy, and innovation.

Patient Centred Care

We are committed to delivering patient-centred care that considers the individual needs and preferences of neurodivergent patients.

Holistic Care

Multidiagnosis is the norm in Neurodiversity. We aspire to improve services towards provision of holistic assessments and provision of care.

Supporting ND Colleagues

In supporting our colleagues, we aim to create a workplace that is conducive to the professional growth and well-being of all healthcare providers. We advocate for a supportive work environment that recognises and accommodates the diverse needs of our team members, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect.

GP Education

We support GPs’ continuing professional development to enhance their understanding of various neurodivergent conditions, ensuring that they can provide informed and compassionate care. We prioritise open communication, active listening, and collaborative decision-making to build strong, trusting relationships with our patients.

Healthcare Systems

We support improved resourcing of neurodiversity healthcare. We take a systems thinking approach to service optimisation to most appropriately match resources to need.


Through community outreach and education, we wish to raise awareness about neurodiversity, to debunk myths, and to reduce stigma. We engage with local and national organisations and initiatives to promote neurodiversity acceptance, contributing to a more inclusive and understanding society.